- AFM image of the field isolate YR343 strain with its single polar flagellum
- Populus root YR 505 strain bacterium with multiple polar flagella
- Geobacterial strain 300 revealing nano-wires
- AFM ~ Fimbriae help the field isolate YR505 strain to attach to the populus root surface
- AFM image of the isolated nanowires (~ 6 nm) from Shewanella MR1 on a mica substrate
- SEM image of rod shape field isolate GM01 strain ~200 nm~
- Nanowires observed surrounding the cell surface of a field isolate grown in Differential minimal media with the electron donor 10 mM Lactate
- Anti microbial peptide BP100 effect on GM30 strain - cell perturbation and disruption
- Nanoscale visualization of the endophyte GM30 strain cell surface structure using AFM
- TEM image of GM30 strain with its single polar flagellum
- AFM ~ YR343 strain with fimbriae
- TEM image of YR343 strain with its single polar flagellum
- AFM ~ E.Coli DH5 alpha with flagella